Sunday, December 13, 2009

First Blog ever

Finally ... I have decided to hit the keyboard of my "god only knows how old" PowerBook G4 and start sharing some thoughts, ideas, experiences, plans ... what ever :-)

Since I moved to Amsterdam I find myself repeating to all my friends, same questions I get, same answers I send ... starts to get boring, playing the same record on and on.

Facebook status is not good enough for some experiences, thoughts, ideas I want to share so here we are ... finally I will have the ability to test my writing skills as well ... I do think of writing some novel some day ... but until, let's blog!

Originally when I started thinking I had the idea to share experiences from various trips I am taking on yearly basis, to share some ideas and concepts on which I am working during my daily job and to just throw in some bits and pieces and to come up with some pretty much diverse mush up.

Now on top of it since I just moved to Amsterdam, I will be writing on this interesting city, on what Holland has to offer from my perspective and how somebody else who just recently moved here can find a way around a bit better maybe then I did when I came.

Enough for first blog ... coming back soon.


  1. Ok, i will then be first who commented on your blog - go get them tiger!!


  2. e pa brate, neka je sa srecom prvi blog i da ih napises jos mnogo mnogo :))))))))))
    moram da upoznam Amsterdam pre nego sto dodjem :P

  3. awaiting your blogs with great expatiations...

    Love and Peace

  4. bravo bravo,

    e da sam ranije znala, ne bi ostao samo na Off the record u P2P-u, maltretirala bih te vise:)


  5. we want cyrillic, want cyrillic:)))
    šalim se, samo ti piši...
